Sacramento Roseville Family Photographer| iPhone love

I just Love my iPhone.  I catch myself saying to it “I just love you iPhone…why did I ever wait so long to get you?” and then I say, “Jenn, you have it now, so you can thank Me very much”, and Oh I do!  Sherry suggested that I get the “Best Camera App” and I did.  Let me tell you it is the coolest camera app EVER.  I recently discovered that it was developed by Chase Jarvis, a super cute photog who is my husband’s idol and  now one of mine.  He  believes that The Best Camera is the One That’s With You.  It’s so true!  It’s not all the time that I take my big camera with me, because it’s just Big, but I always have my phone and phones have camera’s!  There’s really no excuse to not take photos no matter what brand your phone is.  The best thing about this app is that it has several filters you could use to make your camera images pop.  After you’ve popped them, you could upload and share them onto Flickr, Twitter and Facebook.  I just love it.  For a photographer, it helps me train myself more and forces me to be creative through this parameter and I love it just for that.  My iPhone is not only my phone but my inspiration journal full of snapshots.    Me and the kid went out earlier this week and I used my iPhone to take those pictures above… and I just love it!  Do you take photos with your phone?  Share your link in the comments section if you do, I’d love to check it out.

p.s. thank you for all the blog love on my previous post.  Yes, it is a self portrait… tripods are a good thing!

So glad it’s Wednesday!



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Redlands Family Photographer

 Hi! I'm Jennifer Brotchie and welcome to my website.  I am a professional photographer specializing in family photography and portraits for the busy modern family based in Redlands, CA. 

Affordable pricing packages for family photos, maternity and baby milestone photo-shoots. Having lived on Oahu, Hawaii for nine years has given me the professional experience in working with many diverse families and their family dynamics in all lighting conditions from morning to sunset natural light in addition to studio lights.

If you'd like to inquire about a photo session please inquire HERE.

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