Northern California Photographer | Saturday Adventure… and all I can say is “Oh My Stars!”

northern california, sacramento, wedding photographer, lifestyle, family, portraits, sacramentoiPhone Snap!

This past Saturday, I spent the day with two very favorite people of mine on the planet.  Renee (in the purple) and Kaisha (in blue).  I first met them years ago in college.  Renee and I have remained friends for years and I’m proud to say that if I had a sister, she would be my sister.  Kaisha and I re-connected through FaceBook and we have remained actively connected.  She finally moved back to the Bay Area after following her New York adventure for a number of years.  I’m really super thrilled to have set a date to have a girl’s day with these two.  We started our day of culinary delights at a local cafe for brunch.. and Oh My!  I knew that watching what I was going to eat for this day had to be thrown out the window.

northern california, sacramento, wedding photographer, lifestyle, family, portraits, sacramento

Everything was delect-a-mundo!  I opted for the Crab Cakes Benedict.  Oh My Word!  The day started fabulous.. well, seeing Kaisha after sooooo many years… she didn’t look a day older since the last time I saw her… She looked fantastic!  She was our tour guide extraordinaire and delivered big time!

northern california, sacramento, wedding photographer, lifestyle, family, portraits, sacramento

We found this great pink building and of course I found it to be a photo op.

northern california, sacramento, wedding photographer, lifestyle, family, portraits, sacramento

and handed the camera to my homegirls….

northern california wedding photographer, sacramento, family portraits, lifestyle, oakland

Renee is gonna kill me for these… but that’s Renee… full of life!! What’s not to love!?

northern california wedding photographer, sacramento, family portraits, lifestyle, oakland

Kaisha.. she was a super model in a past life or something.. because she looks great in everything! That’s my fave one of her, on the right.  It was a day where us married old ladies, that would be Renee and I, left the hubbies at home to tend to the homefront and we were gonna hang and rip it up with our single lady lovely.. that would be Kaisha.  So much catching up to do!  Gab, gab, gab, eat, eat, eat.  That’s pretty much how our day went.

northern california wedding photographer, sacramento, family portraits, lifestyle, oakland

After brunch, we toured around the downtown area and decided that we would purchase these “sistah rings” to commemorate our fun filled day of girl time.  I’m so glad we did!  That was an excellent purchase.  We’d like to think that there are no other three of these rings out there except on our fingers.

After walking off some of our brunch.. we hit up Fenton's Creamery.  In the cartoon/movie Up.. the little boy, Russell says he wants to go here after he earns his merit badge.

iPhone Snap!

After walking off some of our brunch.. we hit up Fenton’s Creamery.  In the cartoon/movie Up.. the little boy, Russell says he wants to go here after he earns his merit badge.

northern california wedding photographer, sacramento, family portraits, lifestyle, oakland
iPhone Snap!

This was us taking iPhone Snaps as we waited for a seat at Fenton’s.

northern california wedding photographer, sacramento, lifestyle, family portraits

Fenton’s was awesome!  It was a day to splurge!!  She’s gonna kill me for this one too!  Love you Renee!!

After walking off some of our brunch.. we hit up Fenton's Creamery.  In the cartoon/movie Up.. the little boy, Russell says he wants to go here after he earns his merit badge.

I opted for a Raspberry Sorbet, Chocolate, Peanut Butter Crunch, somethin’ somethin’, with hot fudge and just good stuff to the tastebuds.  I splurged!!!

After walking off some of our brunch.. we hit up Fenton's Creamery.  In the cartoon/movie Up.. the little boy, Russell says he wants to go here after he earns his merit badge.

Next off.. we treated to ourselves to a mani-pedi….. rest our weary feet…. and let our tummy’s digest….

Isn’t she a cutie?  She was rockin’ that royal blue pea coat.

After bidding adieu to sweet Kaisha, vowing to to this again every 4 months… Renee and I hit up Mua’s…. Everything was just fantastic! The ambience, the interior, the food, the company…. I never ate so much in my life in one day….. on the right was the dessert that DID US IN!  Bread Pudding drenched in Creme Anglaise and Raspberry Sauce…. Mamma!

iPhone Snap!

Food and conversation was abundant, over flowing….. we two, never, ever have dull moments in convo….

Renee opted for the Fried Chicken while I consumed the mussels and french fries in tomato base… yeah, there are a boatload of steamed mussels under that canopy of fries.  Oh My Word!  Very delicious!

It was late and we both had to head back home….. but what an excellent culinary, girlie adventure!  I’m so happy to have taken a day and treated myself to great food, great conversation and fantastic friends that I know will be my friends for a lifetime.  Special mention goes to my sweet husband for heading the homefront.  Thank you hun! xoxo

Happy Monday!

xo, ~j

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Redlands Family Photographer

 Hi! I'm Jennifer Brotchie and welcome to my website.  I am a professional photographer specializing in family photography and portraits for the busy modern family based in Redlands, CA. 

Affordable pricing packages for family photos, maternity and baby milestone photo-shoots. Having lived on Oahu, Hawaii for nine years has given me the professional experience in working with many diverse families and their family dynamics in all lighting conditions from morning to sunset natural light in addition to studio lights.

If you'd like to inquire about a photo session please inquire HERE.

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