I had the pleasure of being invited to partake in a worthwhile, from the heart, do it because you’d love it event. A group of photographers came together one afternoon to donate their time and talent to some wonderful families through Love, Olivia, as a gift to these hard working mom’s for Mother’s Day.
For me, it was a wonderful opportunity to get out of my cave and meet other local photographers as well as give something back to my community. I met this wonderful family and to be honest… they were just like any family I photograph, loving, gentle, kind, playful and just darn IN LOVE WITH EACH OTHER! There was no difference to me as all I wanted to do was capture the interaction between each family member… and they totally rocked it out.
What can I say? What little kid doesn’t like to be thrown high in the air by their dad?
Gorgeous girl, yes?
Seriously could NOT get enough of these two!
Thank you so much for your lovely faces, your wonderful hugs and your huge smiles!!