iPhone snap using VSCO…. My mamma’s arrival at the airport.
Aloooooooha!!! Been missing in action lately but slowly getting back up to speed on this wonderful island of O’ahu. My mamma (who gets mistaken for my sister quite frequently) recently came for a 3 week stay while my husband was in Japan for work. She spoils me and her grandkids when she’s here, almost like she’s making up for lost time. Her energy and love are endless. The hardest thing about moving to Hawaii is missing the physical closeness of my family. I must admit, though, that the distance and time apart has made my mamma’s and I’s relationship undeniably stronger and closer.
My mamma and I have a great relationship, it’s evolved into a really deep love and respect for each other and I’m really happy that it has extended to my kids. I know not everyone can say the same thing, but I am truly blessed and grateful that I can say that truthfully and I am so proud of it.
My kids and I are planning a diabolical scheme to get her to move here closer to us. Sounds like a no brainer right?? My mamma is a social butterfly with roots so deep in Cali… I’m putting it out there in the universe… sooner or later, my mamma will be very close to us on O’ahu. Just gotta let it marinate, ya?

iPhone snap, Hipstamatic: Jane, Sugar, Ko’Olina Lagoon 2
So my mom is a lot like me.. or I’m a lot like her. We both love the beach, but not necessarily to get in the water and get all wet. We really, really enjoy the view and the experience of the beach and in Hawaii, the experience is plentiful. Well, first let me say, I was surprised that she wanted to go swimsuit shopping. Second, I was doubly shocked when I looked up from my book and saw her actually in the water, passed the “just getting my knees wet” and actually in chest high water. AAAAANNNDDDD she was having a great time with her grandkids. Of course we went to my favorite place on the planet, Ko’Olina Lagoon 2 near the Disney Aulani in Kapolei.
I grabbed my camera and got in there to photograph all of it. Does she not look like a grandma in pure happiness?? Oh, I just loved it, I was really, really happy to see my mom in the water frolicking, splashing, laughing, moving around, getting wet, not a care in the world…. it was also a time that I could say, without a shadow of a doubt, that I am really, really happy that I am a photographer. I get to document my OWN joys in life. That’s a huge bonus.
The kids were so happy! They were having a great time with grandma in the water with them. The grand kids will always keep her young at heart. (I’m tearing up just typing this out!!)
The sun was just at the right setting so had to get more photo’s… happy that everyone obliged me… in my opinion, the way family portraits should be, fun, fresh, real…. it tells the story so much more deeper. I will always remember this story (here we go, flood works pouring out of my eyes!!!)

iPhone snap of Fuji Instax Prints
Before I took her to the airport, she was able to watch the girls at hula class so I snapped these really quick with my Fuji Instax. I have a set and she has a set. Anyway, it was a great 3 weeks that she was here and we are looking forward to her next trip (in November!!). I hope this post inspires you to take more photos of your everyday life… the time goes by so quickly, keep it close to you as much as you can.
Happy Aloha Friday!!!! ~jennifer